Give your trophemon to the eccentric millionaire until you get a hoverboard Talk to vinnies goon until he gives you a trophemon Go to the club and give the milkshake+the pizza to the dj Go to police station and bail person out+give drugsĭonate to the orange guitarist 11 times(until you get a trophemon) If the yellow contraband salesman(on the second island) is there buy cuban cigars+2xzipo lighter+3xcocoa+unobtanium Go to benjamins club and gamble until you have $500000-900000
Save your game after each succesful gamble, use as short of a username and password as possibleīuy a benjamims club membership from the dangling pianist on the fourth island
Give the trophemon to the eccentric millionaire on the second island

Talk to the person who has their cat stuck in the tree and give them the ladder in exchange for the trophemon Give the burger to the construction worker near u of s Go to wallymart and buy toilet paper+painkillers Go to mcsticks and buy a grand slam burger Give the bacon flavoured narwhal to the mental institute escapee Go to skye's bar(on the second island) and talk to the chicken wings guy until you recieve a bacon flavoured-narwhal Go to joe's pizza (on the same street as stickbucks) and work until you have $105 Set your special ability to wall street wizard Set starting stats to 5 strength, 5intelligence, and 25 charm